Let me guess. When you think of getting a massage, you may often think it is has something to do with some special event — it could be a treat to someone on special occasions such as a birthday or promotion. A way to bond with a friend you haven't seen for a long time. Or you could also be imagining you are lying on a massage table some miles away while on a vacation and with a great view. Perhaps, a massage on the beach, or in the forest, or under the stars.
In short, you may often view massage as a treat and not always associated with healthcare.
Regular massage can have a positive impact on both your physical and mental health, making a noticeable difference in your quality of life. We all know how good the occasional massage feels. It relaxes your body, clears your mind, and leaves you feeling refreshed.
The benefits of massage go beyond feelings of relaxation and wellness that people may recognize. When massage is used effectively, can actually help you relieve a variety of mental, emotional, and physical complaints.
Here are some of the top benefits of regular massage:
Studies show that massage can reduce sleep disturbance, linking it to the effect on the delta waves that are associated with deep sleep. Even insomniacs may find it easier to get a good night’s rest after a massage.
Pain can negatively affect a person’s quality of life and prevent recovery from illness or injury. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 50 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, and it affects more people than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined. For this reason, health organizations and governmental agencies are looking at new ways to manage pain. Massage therapy is a safe and effective option. The right kind of pressure can help to loosen knots in the muscles and encourage better blood flow.
Better sleep and fewer pounding heads would certainly boost the mood, but there’s good reason for feeling better after a massage. Did you know that a relaxing massage has been proven to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression? This is because massages stimulate the release of endorphins in your body (the hormones that are regarded as natural opioids), helping you to more easily reach feelings of happiness and euphoria.
Many studies have associated massages to improved functioning of the immune system. A study conducted in 2010 and published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine concluded that a 45-minute massage has can increase the number of white blood cells that help defend the body from disease. Better blood circulation may also lead to enhanced organ function which makes you feel brighter and happier. So there's something in that old ethos of a healthy body, a healthy mind. Years of research support massage therapy for many health treatments. In fact, consumers are turning to massage to support their health needs now more than ever before.
With studies like these showing that there's more to massage than may meet the eye, it's no surprise that an increased number of people are choosing to reap the benefits. With science on your side, adding massage to your routine makes sense.
For those hoping to capitalize on massage’s therapeutic benefits, Expert says a lot of the research on massage has involved once-per-week treatments. So that’s a good target. But greater frequency is probably even better. If the cost of a massage therapist makes regular treatments a no-go, self-massage may be just as effective.
Medcursor offers a wide array of healthcare products for every individual needs such as Massage Guns, Foot and Neck Massager. You can do a self-massage with convenience and take advantage of all the health benefits of a massage at the comfort of your home or wherever you go.
Feel better, Move better, Be better.