6 Undeniable Reasons People Hate Workout
Hate to workout? You know you should work out since it's good for you. So why is it so hard to stay active?
You’re too tired? You’re too busy? Well, I can’t blame you.
Despite the numerous benefits, still, many people choose not to exercise frequently or even at all. Exercise takes a lot of effort and discipline, and finding the motivation to exercise is not easy for everyone. It is more common for people to make excuses and stop exercising rather than make exercise a part of their daily routine.
If you are hoping to change course, the first step is figuring out what's standing in your way. This will help you identify the steps that you can take to overcome these hurdles and fit them into your day.
Excuse #1: Not Motivated Enough to Exercise
You are simply not motivated enough to begin an exercise routine. Yes, exercise can make you feel tired. It could be too much work for you, too boring or you are discouraged because you felt it is ineffective. You are not alone.
The Fix: You should remind yourself to look at exercise as a habit, and a part of your lifestyle. Do not look at it as something that you do just to lose weight. Remind yourself how it will benefit you, make you feel good, like having more energy and getting better rest. A simple change in your mindset can do wonders for your motivation and help you stay on track. You can keep a log of or track your workouts using a tracking app and reward yourself when you achieve it. Find something that holds your interest for the long haul.
Excuse #2: I Get Bored Easily
You might start out strong and with the best intentions, but before you know it, you've lost your motivation. Exercise can get boring, especially if you are doing the same exercises each time.
The Fix: To combat your boredom, find an exercise program that both caters to your fitness level and that you actually look forward to. The key is finding what exercises work for you and mixing things up. If you enjoy what you are doing, you will be more apt to continue. You can join a group or exercise together with friends.
Excuse #3: Exercise Doesn't Seem to Work
You want to lose 10 pounds in a month and you give up on exercise because you do not see obvious results. When you are setting up unrealistic expectations you will really tend to throw in the towel.
The Fix: Losing about one to two pounds a week is the ideal target, and is a much more sustainable goal. If you set goals that are small and realistic, you will more likely to feel like a success, not a failure. Getting started is the first step toward reaching your fitness goals. Give your body time to react.
Excuse #4: Exercise Is Painful
Don’t overdo it and quit because it is just too much. Exercise can be uncomfortable, especially in the beginning when you're trying to find your stride. Even experienced fitness gurus experience
The Fix: Ease into an exercise routine and start slowly. Start with a few days of moderate cardio (like walking) and basic strength workouts to build endurance and strength. Focus more on maintaining good form. Then increase your weight once you've mastered the exercise. Take extra rest days if you're more sore or exhausted than usual. Your body just needs an extra rest day to repair and recover. We also recommend using a Medcursor Massage Gun to help relieve muscles soreness and fast recovery. You can do it at home right after your workout.
Excuse #5: I can’t afford Gym Membership
There's no reason you have to join a gym to exercise. Many people think that in order to exercise regularly they must dish out a large chunk of change in order to join a gym or invest in expensive fitness equipment for their home.
The Fix: All you need is a good pair of shoes for workout. The Internet is a great source for workouts and weight loss programs that you can easily do at home. You just need to learn the right exercises to do each day and reap all of the benefits regular exercise provides.
Excuse #6: No Time for Exercise
Exercise becomes a low priority in our already crammed schedules. Whether it is due to work, family, children, or a combination of these, you may say that exercise just does not fit into your busy schedule.
The Fix: Instead of trying to find the time to work out, why not make time instead? Some activity is better than none. Changing your mindset and gradually finding a way to work exercise into your daily routine, will make you feel better in the long run. You can even start by just allotting 10 minutes each day, and gradually increase it as you make time to work out. Exercise can be a great activity for the whole family. Exercising with kids requires planning, but it's not impossible.
These issues do not have to prevent you from getting in shape, getting healthy, and realizing for yourself all the positive effects exercise can have on your life. Remember, exercise generates energy. The more energy you have, the more you'll get done each day.