Muscle aches (myalgia) are extremely common and are mostly caused by stress, tension, or physical activity. Oftentimes, this is the unpleasant side effects of exercise or an intense workout. Since there’s muscle tissue in nearly all parts of the body, this type of pain can be felt almost anywhere. They are indeed annoying and painful. It also limits our freedom to move and be at our best performance. However, the good thing is that muscle soreness usually responds well to home treatment.
Here are the things that you can do to ease muscle soreness at home.
Stay Hydrated
One of the considerable aspects of muscle recovery is keeping yourself hydrated. Water helps ease inflammation and flush out water products by keeping the fluids moving through your system and delivering the nutrients your muscle needs. Your body will struggle to perform at its highest level if the body does not have enough water.
Hot & Cold Packs
For more immediate relief of muscle aches, apply a hot-and-cold pack to the affected area. You can use a warm damp towel, wet heating packs, or a warm bath. Apply a hot compress to the affected area for twenty minutes following that with an ice pack for another twenty minutes. The heat from the heating pads increases blood flow and could help flush some inflammation related to muscle soreness. The cold packs help on reducing swelling and nerve activity. Alternating cold and heat are best for inducing pain and reducing inflammation.
Do Light Exercise
Refrain from complete rest and immobilization. You have to wait at least 48 hours before working another intense workout using the same muscle groups. Get some gentle movement through light activities just to get the blood moving to the sore muscles to deliver oxygen and nutrients needed for repair.
Get a Massage
Massaging the muscle with your hands or using a foam roller to roll over the involved muscles will help soften the tight muscles and help decrease muscle swelling. According to studies, post-exercise massage can significantly reduce pain. It releases tension in muscles and connective tissues to move the fluids that accumulated in the muscles after exercise for faster recovery. Medcursor also offers products that help you to recover faster with greater comfort such as a massage gun. A percussion massager is a handheld device that applies pulses of concentrated pressure deep into your muscle tissue. This form of deep-tissue massage can work knots and tension out of the muscles while improving blood flow and quickly enhancing the range of motion. When used properly, a percussion massager can shorten your recovery time while relieving some of the pain, tension, and soreness that comes naturally from intense physical activities.
Sore muscles are normal but be careful not to injure your muscles. This also should NOT stop you from exercising. They grow back strong and can work at a higher level of intensity for a longer time. Pain closer to the joint may be a signal of a more serious injury and one should need to consult a doctor.
Feel better, Move better, Be better.